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Ancient selected works of Tibetan language "Puri Texts" published

2018-11-29 11:08:00China Tibet Online

A news conference for the publishing of ancient works of "Puri Texts", a series of rare Tibetan-language literature named after its unearthed place in the Puri Village of Nyalam County in Shigatse, southwest China's Tibet, was held at the Tibet University Library recently.

It is reported that "Puri Texts" covers a wide range of topics and can be roughly divided into two parts: religious literature and secular literature. The religious literature is mainly classics of Exoteric Buddhism such as the 20,000 Extols of the Pragya Paramita, and Tantric rituals and other Buddhist texts. The secular literature includes local literature such as poetry, odes, and biographies. The texts provide extremely valuable first-hand materials and evidence towards studying the origin, changes, and developments of Tibetan religion and culture.

"The 'Puri Texts' record the evolution of various academic ideas in Tibet, forming a large number of academic treasures. It also contains a large number of works of art that reflect ancient cultural art and aesthetics psychology. The typeface, paper and ink,, format, Tibetan seals, and various symbolic images of those texts have high aesthetic and research values," said Sherab Sangpo, a research librarian at the Tibet University Library.

Editor: Tommy Tan.






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