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Four hospitals in Tibet launch WeChat registration

2019-04-10 10:18:00China Tibet Online

From April 1, WeChat will be used to provide conveniences for patients who need to see doctor in the Tibet Autonomous Region People’s Hospital, the Tibet Autonomous Region Tibetan Hospital, the Tibet Autonomous Region Second People’s Hospital, and the Tibet Autonomous Region Third People’s Hospital.

With WeChat, patients can register appointments, receive counseling, learn about hospital departments and doctors, make online payments, receive health education and etc. In addition to registering appointments on WeChat, patients can also register appointments by telephone in the above-mentioned four hospitals.

An official with the Tibet Autonomous Region Health and Hygiene Commission said that Tibet will strive to achieve full online registration capabilities for its seven municipal (prefectural) level people’s hospitals and Tibetan medicine hospitals before June 1, further reducing patients’ waiting time in hospitals and improving the quality and efficiency of medical services.

Staff at the Tibet Autonomous Region People’s Hospital instruct patients on how to use the mobile WeChat registration feature.

Patients at the Tibet Autonomous Region People’s Hospital use the mobile WeChat registration feature.

The interface for medical service platform of the “Healthy Tibet” (xzwsjkwbgs) WeChat official account .

The interface for appointment registration of the “Healthy Tibet” (xzwsjkwbgs) WeChat official account.

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