Grassroots organizations crucial to CPC's strength

2017-09-14 15:23:41 | From:Xinhua

Dynamic grassroots organizations of Communist Party of China (CPC) are crucial to the Party's strength.

Grassroots Party organizations exist in local governments, rural areas, communities, enterprises, schools, hospitals - the list goes on and on.

What roots are to the trees corresponds to what grassroots organizations role for the CPC.

The 4.5 million CPC organizations connect not only the 89 million Party members but also more than 1.3 billion Chinese people.

As a Chinese saying goes, a country shall prevail thanks to people's support while the country is doomed to perish if it acts opposition to people's expectations.

With the help of grassroots CPC members and organizations, the Party can find and deal with the real problems that bother the people most in their day-to-day lives.

After taking the helm of China for nearly 70 years, the CPC is facing different challenges nowadays, such as the middle income trap and the Tacitus trap.

The CPC counts on its grassroots members to collect opinions and wisdom from the public and help overcoming new obstacles.

Grassroots members are colleagues, teachers, doctors and friends of everybody, who understand the complaints and collect the advice.

On the other hand, an undisciplined grassroots member or organization can harm the CPC's image. That's why in late 2012, the CPC began a far-reaching campaign to address corruption, extravagance, unfavorable work styles and other discipline violations.

During the anti-corruption campaign, neither high-ranking "tigers" nor low-level "flies" could avoid punishment.

In addition to over 240 senior officials being investigated, 1.14 million Party members and cadres at or below township level have been punished, including 554,000 Party members and cadres in rural areas.

Another approach to motivate the grassroots Party organizations is to standardize the working process, introduce performance appraisal system and publicize Party information via bulletin boards and Internet platforms.

To better serve the people, the CPC has been encouraging and sending Party cadres and members with higher education and more experience to the grassroots organizations, especially in rural areas.

In the effort to alleviate poverty, more than 195,000 first secretaries have been stationed in impoverished villages, while 775,000 Party cadres have been sent to assist their work.

All the above-mentioned efforts aim at establishing more service-oriented and transparent grassroots CPC organizations.

It is those responsible, dynamic and disciplined grassroots Party organizations and members that are driving the Party to fulfill its promises to the Chinese people, to serve the people wholeheartedly and bring the Chinese nation to great rejuvenation.

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